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Holiday Cravings: A Survival Guide For Tackling Temptation

Posted by Sarah on

Ahh it’s the beautiful time of year again.. Lights are twinkling, holiday playlists are bumping, chestnuts are roasting .. And what’s that over there?! Cookies, cakes, and cheese galore! This time of year is wonderful in SO many ways, but it can also be one of the most difficult when it comes to sticking to a healthy lifestyle! If you’re just getting started with a health kick or change in routine, staying in line while you’re surrounded by plates full of carbs, salt and sugar is definitely not easy. Let’s be real, even the pros have a hard time not caving! 🙈

We know all too well how tempting those little Christmas treats can be, but with a little help from Boombod, and a game plan in place, you’ll be prepared to get through the holidays with your weight loss goals in tact 💦 💪Here’s how...

boombod banish cravings holiday cookies

Find A Balanced Healthy Diet

Start by making the commitment to yourself that this time of year, you get to have the best of both worlds! It’s been a tough year and you definitely don’t have to give up all the things you love in order to stay on track. Life is all about moderation, right?! FIND A HEALTHY BALANCE! If you try to avoid all your favourite holiday food focused traditions all together, you’re bound to fail and have serious FOMO. Try to stick to your routine and healthy meals 80% of the time, and allow yourself to indulge the other 20%. Everyone is different though, so if you think that will set you back, try a 90/10 strategy instead. Bottom line is don’t go overboard with too many restrictions. It will make all the difference, trust us!

boombod water shot drink

Add Extra Water To Your Routine

We know, we know.. it sounds crazy right?! It’s NOT! Studies show that staying well hydrated can do wonders for your body, and for your mind, not to mention the important role it plays in your Boombod journey! If you have plans to indulge in some Holiday Rum and Egg Nogs or NYE drinks with a few friends or family, make sure you drink loads of water and keep yourself well hydrated. Otherwise you run the risk of feeling sluggish, and dealing with that pesky hangover. If you’re anything like us, a hangover leads to grease filled food to help cure the pain but that is definitely not what we want to be putting into our bodies! You’ll definitely thank us later for that one! 😜

MYOS (Make Your Own Snacks)

OK, this next one can be a little more time consuming, but it’s SO worth it, especially with spending more time at home these days. When you’re used to eating appetizers, pastries, meats and cheeses galore this time of year, it’s easy to default to grabbing some frozen favourites or convenient, prepackaged foods. These grab and go snacks are delicious but typically they’re full of extra cals, sugar and salts. To help reduce some of those additives, the rule here is simple: whether you’re at home or having a get together with your bubble...just remember to make your own snacks (MYOS)! We’re not saying you can indulge in a crab puff or two, but if you ARE popping over to a small gathering, try to bring one of your fav go to healthy snacks along with you so you’re not filling up on all the unhealthy treats around. This can be something as simple as your favourite low carb crackers with cheese or peanut butter, or even some chopped veggies and hummus. There are loads of recipes available that are low carb, low sugar that still taste great. Whatever floats your boat! ⛵️

boombod weight loss diet meal

Stick To The Plan

There’s a saying that goes, “a goal without a plan is just a wish”. Well...this definitely applies to weight loss goals and living a healthy lifestyle. The more regimented you are, the easier it will be to stick to your Boombod program too! Keep a schedule of when you’re taking each shot before your meals. You can also start keeping a regular schedule of meal times and when you’ll exercise - it will leave less of a chance of falling off track. We know that holidays can be a bit of a hectic time, so try getting your exercise in earlier in the day. Working out first thing can really get those endorphins pumping, and then you’re ready to take on the day and do all the fun things you have planned! 

boombod in holiday stocking


All in all, the holiday season can be a crazy time, and the last thing you need to be worrying about is how you’re going to keep it all together when it comes to your weight loss journey. Going in with a guide and planning on how you’re going to tackle the next few weeks while still enjoying yourself is going to make all the difference. Don’t forget to pick up your Boombod Shots, with our BOGO FREE SALE happening there’s no better time to stock up, or gift it in someone’s stocking 😉